

Writing is one of the most therapeutic forms of therapy around as it uses the act of releasing your thoughts and feelings by writing them down on paper.It’s often difficult to express your emotions in a conversation but being able to write them down frees you of any inhibitions as it is purely an act […]

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How to keep the inspiration flowing

Artists block happens to everyone, no matter your craft. It usually happens at the most inopportune time when you are prepared, your schedule is free, you have a deadline and you are in the right mood. Learning how to stay motivated is a valuable skill that as is identifying what is causing the halt in […]

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Born with self-confidence

Are we born with self-confidence? Some believe its genetic while others believe it is a skill that needs mastering. While parents and family members can mould you to see things in a positive light and instil self-belief, it is ultimately up to the person concerned. Taking the steps needed to boost your self-confidence will result […]

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Tackling the marketing and publishing aspect

Tackling the marketing and publishing aspect

There are numerous ways to begin this process and it can all seem daunting when faced with so many avenues. Which way to go? Do you try all of these marketing strategies? It can be so confusing and where do you start? A good place to start when it comes to publishing is Amazon kindle […]

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